Many men suffer from an enlarged prostate, which obliges them to get up several times at night to take a leak. It happened to me but I quickly cured the problem with flax seed, which is available at many health food and grocery stores.
You don’t eat the whole seed. If you do that, the oil inside the seed, which does the good, will simply go right through your system without helping you. I put one and a half heaping teaspoons of the seed into a coffee grinder to pulverize it and then I sprinkle it on my breakfast cereal. It has a pleasant, nutty flavour.
You can buy the seed pre-ground but I avoid that, because the oil goes rancid quickly after the seed has been ground. Whole flax seed, on the other hand, can be stored for years without degrading. Whole flax seed is also cheaper, so it’s really worth it to buy a coffee grinder. If you do buy pre-ground seed, use a little more and be sure to store it in the freezer.
I can’t recall how long it took to act on me, because I’ve been taking it most days for 25 years. However, a friend recently started to take it and he said it worked on him in three days. I do know that if you stop taking it, the problem will recur after about three weeks but once you start using it again, the symptoms soon disappear.
Flax is a natural solution, which is easy, painless and cheap. Spread the word.