Is climate change in the prophecies? Yep. For starters, Zechariah 10.1 tells us that the weather has a lot to do with our faith. “Ask for rain from the LORD in the season of the spring rain, from the LORD Who makes the storm clouds, Who gives men showers of rain.” So if nobody asks, we don’t receive. However, the Bible also makes it clear that unrepentant sinners can expect to receive nothing from God, so in that case, a lot of people who ask still won’t receive. Whether we acknowledge it or not, we are in every way in a relationship with God and the health of that relationship affects our climate and everything else, for that matter. Look at it this way. How much do you want to do for people who continually snob or defame you? The Guy Who made the universe continues to control it, in spite of any notions of ours to the contrary.
Take your pick. Deuteronomy 28.12 reveals that if we live lives that please God, “The LORD will open to you His good treasuries in the heavens, to give the rain of your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands.” However, verses 22-24 of the same chapter reveal that global warming will happen if we anger God. “The LORD will smite you with consumption, and with fever, inflammation, and fiery heat, and with drought, and with blasting, and with mildew; they shall pursue you until you perish. And the heavens over your head shall be brass, and the earth under you shall be iron. The LORD will make the rain of your land powder and dust; from heaven it shall come down upon you until you are destroyed.” So God uses the climate to bless us when we’re good and to correct us when we go wrong. If we ignore the correction, we can just keep banging our heads against the wall.
Intermittent drought is described as another result of angering God in Amos 4.7-8. “And I also withheld the rain from you when there were yet three months to the harvest; I would send rain upon one city, and send no rain upon another city; one field would be rained upon, and the field upon which it did not rain withered; so two or three cities wandered to one city to drink water, and were not satisfied; yet you did not return to Me, says the LORD.” This sounds a lot like today. Drought is becoming an increasing problem, which hinders our food and water supply. But notice He ends by saying that nobody put it together that it might have something to do with God–which means our troubles are not over.
God is turning up the heat. Revelation 16.8 describes one of the seven plagues God said He’d send in the last days of this age. “The fourth angel poured his bowl (of God’s wrath) on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch men with fire; men were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the Name of God Who had power over these plagues, and they did not repent and give Him glory.” There’s your global warming in a nutshell. The sun is getting hotter, because God is fed up with this corrupted civilization. But note, once more, that it predicts that a lot of people won’t want to catch on.
Uncontrollable fires are a common feature of life today. As I write, it is 2023 in Alberta and the air is grey outside, most of the time, because of another year of multiple forest fires. The water-bombers have been flying all summer, yet still the fires burn on. Quebec has 400 forest fires all at once. The smoke is so vast that it’s drifting down south and choking Americans too. California and Australia have experienced devastating wildfires as well, in the past few years. There is serious speculation that a lot of this is arson but whatever the cause, the fires are huge, multitudinous and uncontrollable. Is this problem in the prophecies too? You bet it is. Looking into the future, Joel 1.19 reads, “fire has devoured all the pastures of the wilderness, and flame has burned all the trees of the field.”
Climate change is real. But it has nothing to do with carbon emissions from your furnace or car. Wrongfully re-labeling these symptoms of God’s anger is no mere mistake by the devil and his establishment. If I can find this stuff in the Bible, so can they and they do read it. They know. They know they’re going to Hell and they want to drag as many of God’s people with them as they can. And they will catch quite a few. Zechariah 13.8 and Ezekiel 5.12 predict that one third of us will make it, which strikes me as a very generous number, considering how far all of us have gone wrong. So don’t get fooled and whenever possible, KEEP COOL! All of the above quotes are from the Revised Standard Version.
My “Secrets in Biblical Symbols” books are for sale on this website and when you buy them, it helps me carry on. The Death and Resurrection of the West Foretold in Prophecy takes you easily and deeply into prophecies churches can’t see, to reveal where we are in God’s plan and where we’re going. And believe me, things will get better for everyone who gets all the way onto Christ’s side. My second little book, Do-it-Yourself HOME CHRISTIANITY, tells exactly how to do that, right at home, without preachers, churches, or money. Both are available as either ebooks, or real books and you can read the introductory sections for free.