I have never believed that we magically “defeated” Communism just by shopping with our credit cards, as the media led us to believe during the 1990’s. The leadership of most of Asia and half of Europe was united in their desire to destroy us and they suddenly just changed their minds? After reading two books by the defected Russian KGB intelligence officer Anatoliy Golitsyn, I became cemented in my skepticism. Golitsyn’s books are New Lies For Old (Dodd Mead & Co.) and The Perestroika Deception. (Edward Harle, pub.). Golitsyn predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall twenty-eight years before it happened. He explained that after we let our guard down, the Communists planned to conquer us in a more subtle way.
What is Communism? For starters, we in the West never set out to be Capitalists. We were supposed to be Christians. We get told that we must choose between being Capitalist or Communist but either way we lose. What even Golitsyn failed to understand is that Capitalism owns Communism. “Capitalism” and “Communism” merely describe two aspects of a Third World way of life. Capitalism is absolute rule by the rich. Communism is a totalitarian system of government designed to hold the working people down, under the thumbs of the ultra-rich. In my opinion, they are intimately related, criminal organizations. This can be proven by examining the history of Russia. Their Communist revolution was financed by a US bank named Kuhn Loeb & Company. The Communists seized all the wealth of the country and consolidated it in their own hands. When Communism “collapsed” during the 1990’s, that wealth was transferred to rich gangsters called “oligarchs”with strong connections to Western Capitalism.
A long-term plan was made. In his books, Golitsyn explained that the Communist elite decided in the late 1950’s that they could never defeat us militarily. Therefore they decided to take us over by “convergence.” That is, they would meld themselves with us, to absorb us into their way of life. A military example of this convergence has been the merging of several “former Communist” countries into the European Community and NATO, the West’s defense organization. There was no need for that. It was arranged by big Capitalists on “our” side.
Red or Green? What happened to all the Communist agents and sympathizers in the West, after the “fall of Communism?” Did they just give up? Did they vanish up to Heaven in what church-folks call “the rapture?” No. They just changed labels. Some called themselves “conservatives” or “liberals” and they remained embedded in our governments, universities and corporations. Some changed their descriptions to “Green.” An environmental activist let it slip in 2018 that the purpose of the Green movement was not to save the earth but rather, “to stop Capitalism.” But “Capitalism” is only a code-word for Christian civilization, the real target. Some Green groups get financing for big Capital, because they help them in strategic ways. Greens harass our industries, which gives Capitalists an excuse to move those industries to Communist China. No modern civilization can operate without petroleum, so they stop pipelines, to drag our economies down and drive up the cost of living.
In China we can see Capitalism and Communism working hand in hand, as our own countries are weakened by the one-way transfer of money, jobs and resources. That is convergence. It is Western Capitalism which converted China from a Third-World cesspool into a massive power. Much of the heroin and most of the fentanyl which is crippling and killing our people today comes from China. I do not suggest that every Green, Capitalist, or Communist sympathizer knows about this convergence plan. But at the top, they know. The massive support given Bernie Sanders in the 2016 American election would appear to demonstrate how many people in the West are leaning toward Communism, driven by the hard times they’ve endured under Capitalism. That is another example of convergence.
Immigration is an important component of the convergence strategy and it has skyrocketed in the West, since the “collapse of Communism.” As such, we are simply replaced with different people! It does not matter that all of the immigrants are not Communist. What matters is that most of them are accustomed to living in squalid, dictatorial conditions, which is a way of life the Commu-Capitalists have in mind for us all. They are used to begging the rich for everything they get. That is no reason to abuse immigrants. Multiculturalism is only a passing phase. Of equal importance to immigration itself is the fact that we are forbidden to question it. Whoever does that is loudly shamed by the press and politicians, and may get financially ruined by being fired from his job and blacklisted. So freedom of expression is gone, just like in the old Soviet Union and we are now living under Communist rules. That too is convergence.
Recession after recession has wracked the West, since Communism “died.” These are arranged by Capitalists, to loot us and lower our standard of living to a Third World level. This is also convergence. Most young people can no longer afford to buy a home, like in the old Soviet Union. Meanwhile, more and more Communist-style laws have been enforced. You can’t light a smoke, anywhere–not even in your own car, if you have kids in there. Naturally, these laws against personal conduct are described as being for our own good, because otherwise, more people would object. But even objecting doesn’t work anymore. No matter whom we elect, we get the same program. The media leads the way. Anyone with opinions contrary to Capitalism or Communism gets attacked and shamed. Convergence has worked, totally.
Socialism vs. Communism. Most people believe that Russia has left Communism behind–that “Communism died” in 1991. Not so. They left Socialism behind. Karl Marx defined Socialism as the forced training of a population by a government which would eventually “wither away,” leaving the trained people in a state he called Communism. This second stage he also called “the dictatorship of the people,” which is actually a form of democracy, where the trained people continue to believe in the system and behave accordingly. Socialism enforced atheism on the people, for generations. Nonetheless, most Western analysts believe Russia has suddenly become an Orthodox Christian country now, because 80% of Russians claim Orthodoxy as their religion. However, most of them say they believe in the Orthodox Church simply because it is Russian, which is revealed by the fact that 40% of Russians say they don’t believe in God. And only 6-8% take religion at all seriously. All of this was planned. About a hundred years ago, the Communist Vladimir Lenin wrote in Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder, that when all of the institutions of society have been hollowed out and replaced with “new content,” Communism will have succeeded. That is what happened to the Russian Orthodox Church and it has happened now, in Western churches as well. This is also what happened to “democracy,” in both Russia and the West. The Russian divorce rate is 65-75%. That cannot be a Christian statistic, because Christ tells us in the Gospels that “God hates a divorce.” Comparing their divorce rate to that of the West only shows how far we have drifted into the shackles of Socialism. Russians and Chinese actually now live in what Marx called “Communism,” having outgrown the formative stage of Socialism, exactly as Marx predicted they would.
We should know better. Whenever the “Communists” wanted Western goodies, they pretended to liberalize. Perestroika was first used during the 1920’s. The Soviets eased up on private enterprise for a little while and sucked in massive amounts of Western financial and technological aid. In a few short years, when they had enough loot, they reverted to open totalitarianism. Then came the so-called “Tito-Stalin split,” where communist Yugoslavia pretended to break with the Soviet Union. More millions in Western aid were then funneled into Yugoslavia, much of which ended up in China or the Soviet Union. Then came the so-called “Sino-Soviet split,” where the Chinese pretended to hate the Soviet Russians. This eventually led to all of Western industry and technology being transferred to Red China. While this transfer was underway in the late 1970’s and 1980’s, lying newspapers predicted that China would become like us and we would magically transform into an “information economy,” with no need of industry. I recall wondering at the time how we would eat, drive, or wear information. So the communists tricked us three times before they faked the “death of communism” in 1991. What’s next?
A massive, Third World War. But why, when they are already conquering us through convergence? They only need to keep following the same plan and they’ll have us, without firing a shot. But there are things the Communists don’t get told by their Capitalist bosses. These play the armies and governments of this world like chess-men. Now that they have weakened us financially and morally, our ultra-rich masters hope to obliterate Communism and Christianity at the same time–so that pure, satanic Capitalism may rule over a world full of groveling slaves. Fortunately, God has a better plan for us. As usual, most people on both sides don’t want war. But it’s being set up right now by Capitalists on “our” side. Military aggression by the West is pushing more and more countries into the camp of Russia and China. Those we don’t attack with arms are attacked with trade sanctions, to goad them into war. This is the meaning of Ezekiel 38.4, where God tells Russia and China, “I will turn you about, and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you forth, and all your army…” (Revised Standard Version). When the whole world hates us, we will have to fight them all and we will lose–for a little while. When the Communists and their allies take us over, the Capitalist corporations and banks will still remain. I have outlined the prophecies about this war in another article on this blog called How the Meek Will Inherit the Earth. God is going to rescue our people, dramatically. But we need to take simple steps to make sure we’re on His side. I wrote Home Christianity to enable anyone to do that, privately. Then we will live to see the real end of Communism–and Capitalism too. God is going to turn their own strategy against them, by eliminating both of these systems of slavery at the same time.
If you watch unbiased news shows on the internet, like The Duran, you can see the nations of the world are steadily moving away from the West, toward Russia and China. If that makes you nervous, read Psalms 2 and cheer up. The Psalm predicts that the non-western world will turn against us and it will be defeated by God.
But there you have it. Communism did not die. It progressed into its final stage and fooled the rest of the world. Revelation 13.1 describes the multipronged assault of the World Order as a beast “with ten horns and seven heads.” Seven is the number of the Holy Spirit, so these heads are multiple movements undermining Christendom, which is the only place where the Holy Spirit can exist. Verse 3 goes on to say, “One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed.” I believe this may well be Communism, which the world thought was long dead.
Thank you for reading my article! I have written it in hope that my readers may not fear the future, by finding protection from Christ, right at home.